Today is another day I've never seen before. I have my health, strength and right frame of mind. I have everything I need and most of the things I want. I'm saved, on my way to heaven and living a victorious life. But Why? It's not because I've always obeyed the Lord or have been the perfect Christian. In fact, if my salvation and being blessed were based on "me" and my behavior alone, I'd be cursed. Thank God He doesn't see me as myself but through the blood of Jesus!
It was just a few years ago that I believed that listening to R&B or wearing pants and make-up could jeopardize my relationship with the Lord. It was just a few years ago that I believed that if I slipped up and said a bad word or thought an unpleasant thought about someone even if for only a moment that I was risking my salvation. Although this behavior displeases God, my way of thinking was wrong and so far from the truth.
You see, I was bound by a "religious spirit". I was caught up on traditions, religion and most of all self-righteousness. Of Course I knew that I wasn't perfect but I subconsciously believed that I was saved by my good works. I was in church every time the doors were open and watched any and every preacher that graced the TBN network. I tithed, gave offerings, fed the hungry, clothed the naked and gave to the poor but none of that made me good enough to enter into the kingdom of God.
It wasn't until I began to see just how perfect God is that I could see how imperfect I actually am no matter how much I believe I am on my "P's
s and Q's". But you know what? It's okay. God knew in His infinite wisdom that man would fall (See Genesis 3) and in turn be separated from Him and no longer able to physically stand in His presence. So He came up with a plan to reconcile man back to Himself. He loves us so much that He offered up Himself as the perfect sacrifice so that we could once again be righteous and able to commune with God (See Romans 8:1-4).
I meet people all the time that tell me they would go to church if they were "right" or that they would get saved if they didn't have to give up so much. I've even met people that refused to pray with me because the enemy had them to believe that God doesn't want to hear from people "like them". Will you ever be "good enough" to go to God? No. Neither will I - not in my own strength anyway. But we can go to God through Jesus who now sits and the right hand of God continuously praying for us on our behalf. When we pray in faith and ask for forgiveness in Jesus' name and repent, He no longer sees how inadequate we are.
I say all that to encourage you today to "try God". Test Him and see that He's real. Maybe you've done somethings that you know displeased him and you feel as if you've lost your connection. Maybe you've never had a personal relationship with Him. Don't worry about being good enough. He only requires that we are real enough to realize that we'll never be good enough. But that's just that kind of God we serve. He looks beyond our faults and meets our needs. Who wouldn't want to serve a God like that?
18 hours ago
Paragraph number 3 was "so me". I use to be that girl. I was just thanking GOD this morning for forgiving me and loving me unconditionally. It's funny the old me use to hear love songs and think about "guys" I use to date and now when I listen to "some R&B" I replace that guy with GOD. Two to be exact. Beyonce's Flaws and ALL. GOD loves me, flaws and all and Celine Dion's because you loved me. That's me, I'm everything I am because HE loves me.
Have a great day!
@ Free Spirit - that's exactly what used to happen to me once I started dipping down the radio dial. The music would take me back to a time and place that was not healthy for my relationship with God. It wasn't until I was truly delivered that I could go re-purchase all of my Mary music. There are still some things I don't listen to simply because I'm a new creature but I thank God for showing me that there was nothing I could ever do (or not do)to deserve the unconditional love He has for me.
Be Blessed!
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