Let me tell you what happened to me today... For a few weeks now (actually longer than that) I have been asking God questions - mainly the same one over and over again and waiting for Him to answer. During my waiting period, I discussed the matter with others whenever the opportunity presented itself. I didn't go around asking people how they thought they would handle the situation but whenever they mentioned it - I talked, talked, talked and then talked some more about it. It got to the point where I didn't have a problem but the problem had me. I know I should have just left the matter between me and God but I didn't.
Anyway, today I was just sick and tired of being sick and tired and said to God that I needed to Hear Him clearly and if I didn't hear from Him I had no clue what I would do. I started not to go to service like I do every Tuesday afternoon just because I had so much on my mind and knew today was the 2nd of 3 weeks of prayer. I didn't want to be called on to pray like I always am (I know that's not right...). I just wanted to hear a word from the Lord. Anyway, I reasoned that if the minister asked if anyone wanted special prayer that I would get some. Afterall, I felt myself beginning to grow week.
They hardly ever call for special prayerduring this particular service although there is always someone there to pray for you before and after service if you need it.. But thank God the offer was extended today. I got into the prayer line reasoning within myself that I wouldn't be specific about my request. When my turn approached in the line the minister stopped, anointed my head with oil, stared at me and said that she heard the voice of God told her to tell me to obey Him and not man. She said that God told her to tell me to listen to Him and His voice.
I just laughed to myself because I have been asking Him all week to let me hear "His undeniable voice". I expected God to speak to me on my terms. I wanted Him to litterally blot it out and make it crystal clear to me what His will was concerning the matter. Not only did I want Him to do this but I also wanted Him to do it exactly as He always had. Thank God it's not about my will but His will. He knows what's best.
When God had to show me once again that He is not Burger King and I can't always have it my way right away, I became disappoined and felt that God was stringing me alone holding the answers and making me wait. Then once again, He checked me. He had me to recall the the bible story in 1 Kings 19:11-13 where Elijah was on the run going through a tough time and waiting to hear from God. He was looking for God in earthquakes, mountains and winds but when God finally did come it was in a still, small voice. I too thought that because my problem seemed so big that I needed God to do something big but the smallest Word from the Lord is bigger than any problem.
The preacher's statement caused me to sit back, think how many times has God clearly spoken to me and I missed it because I was looking for thunder and lighting.... deep isn't it?
Have you ever missed God because He didn't come like you expected Him to come or missed His answer because it wasn't the answer you were looking for?
Shanita Waters
By His Stripes We Are Healed, Author
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2 days ago
Yepper! I sure have. It gets difficult sometimes and because God is so creative we can't expect Him to bore us with one dimension of His awesomeness:) HE does answer many ways.
not me, because god is always with me!
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